Corporate Slavery - Chapter 3
Levanticus - The Saviour
Whispers reverberate around the hallways.
Hopeful and restless energy is seeping through the cubicle walls.
Rumours abound! There is a hero fighting for the masses!
His name is Levanticus and he will lead them to freedom.
It is said he has won several battles against the Slavemasters and burned down dozens of their temples with the golden arches. The temples that glorify, celebrate and perpetuate The System.
The System that dominates, controls, regulates, deprives and forbids us from our natural-born rights and freedoms.
It is said he wears a gleaming white robe and has a face that shines with goodness!
Also, that he is well endowed and has a terrific sense of humour.
Volunteers are escaping and joining up to his cause in the hundreds and thousands. They will form an army and assemble on the battle field. They will fight the minions of corporate slavery and their masters and they will win!
Long live Levanticus!! Hail the Saviour!!
Viewpoint of an Exasperated Alien:
Increasing numbers of human life forms are breaking their established routine and assembling around a single human who seems to be radiating light. They are congregating from across the planet. This is agitating the elite classes; significant increase in communications and what seems to be the assembling of their own armed forces.
Viewpoint of George W. Bush:
"This Levapanahubbacupptoocus is obviously a terrorist and a god darn communist! Who else would want freedom and justice for the world's workers!!"
Viewpoint of Osama Bin Laden:
Levanticus is an infidel and is in league with the Crusaders, Zionists, Vegeterians and Dentists who are trying to destroy the Islamic nation. When I get out of this 20 metre under the ground bunker in the mountains of Afghanistan, I'm going to have somebody else kill him and a dozen or so innocent bystanders.