Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Corporate Slavery - Chapter 4

Hail the Saviour
Levanticus is unstoppable! The bosses are panicking! The fat cats are terrified! The slavemasters' hands are shaking! The same hands that yield the whip. The same hands that stifle your every move, that pinion you to the wall of servitude and manacle you to the chains of slavery!
'Long Live Levanticus!', shout the hordes. The walls of the penthouses, the villas, the presidential palaces and the hearts of countless kept men and women reverberate to the sound. The sound of freedom being joyfully bellowed out of a million throats. 'Hail the Saviour!', the army of light roars.
The slavemasters rush to form an army of their own to meet Levanticus. To defeat him. To destroy him. To exterminate this monstrosity that threatens the very foundations of their empires. Empires of decadence and debauchery built on foundations of slavery, servitude and serfdom.
After the initial confusion, their awkward corpulent bodies slow to respond, the slavemasters manage to assemble their minions and those of their serfs who, after years of servitude, know of no such thing as freedom.
The army of darkness marches to meet the army of light. The battleground will decide the fate of the world. Darkness or light. Slavery or Freedom. Hellfire or Heaven sent.
Viewpoint of an Ambitious Necrophiliac
If I wait by the battlefield until the fighting is done I'll have enough bodies to last me a lifetime! All I need is plenty of food and water and nirvana is mine for the taking! Oh and a screen to protect my modesty.
Viewpoint of a Confused Kleptomaniac
While they're away fighting I'll be free to steal to my heart's content. But will it be stealing if they're all dead?! And will my obsession be satiated if there is no risk of getting caught?!
Viewpoint of a Self-Inflated Elitist Poet
This cleansing of riff-raff and those ignorant of the arts shall provide me with a rich easel upon which to sprinkle my words of poetic wisdom, sorrow and deluded sense of martyrdom. After that I can kill myself and become really famous!